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Founded in 2005 , shanghai sunhold Law Firm (“SUNHOLD” ) is a full-service law firm that provides clients not only with professional , “one-stop” solutions , but also in a dedicated , practical manner with global reach.
SUNHOLD have grown quickIy during the past decade. we currentIy have over 500 Iawyers coIIaboratingin 9 ofices in china, many of whom have overseas study and/or work experiences. we aIso have estabIished strategic partnerships with Iaw firms and other service institutions sharing the commonvaIues of integrity and professionaI responsibiIity in the Us, Germany, ItaIy, the Uk, France, Denmark, AustraIia.canada, Lithuania, India, Japanand most southeast Asian countries. This “based in shanghai, coIIaborating in china, and networking gIobaIIy” approach ensures that we deIiver standardized, eficient and responsive Ieaaservices to our cIients. we proudIy heIp overseas cIients exceI in china and domestic cIients shine abroad.
SUNHOLD understands and appreciates the diferences of peopIe. business and IegaI cuItures between china and other jurisdictions.
SUNHOLD is one of the first batch of Iaw firms to have both patent and trademark agency quaIifications in china. Our shanghai ofice Iocate- din 75F of shanghai center is aIso the permanent ofice of shanghai wTO Law Research center. Most of our Lawyers have not onIy IegaIbackground, but aIso professionaIs in various industries. so no matter you are just emerging, or mid-market or Fortune 500, no matter youare concerning about the market or the safety of R&D or the chang- ingruIes of internationaI economy, we have you covered.
Since estabIishment, we have been working cIoseIy with Iaw schooIs and IocaI communities, with a focus on education, seminars and pro bono. we are more than a soIution soIver and wiIIing toprovide our vaIues and services to our cIients and societies.